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The smell of a tree is the smell of life, and we found our way back to it.


Forest Peace scent is an essential oil blend that smells sharp, a little bit sweet, and refreshing. It's inspired by Nordic forests where gentle smells of pinewood and moss help calm your senses. This scent helps you focus and ease your mind. Brush away your stress with this 100% pure and organic forest blend.


Contains: Myrhh Oil, Pine Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Orange Oil, Spruce absolute.


All components used in the product are 100% natural

Forest Peace Scent

€ 26,00Pris

    • Keep away from sources of ignition
    • Do not smoke during adding the scent
    • Do not use for any purpose other than for what this product was intended to
    • Keep out of reach of children
    • We only recommend using Phére essentials scents in the Phére Atmosphere Devisers
    • Perfume includes essential oils, if you are allergic to any of these or pregnant, we do not recommend to use this perfume.
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