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Vilkår og betingelser

Ved at tilgå eller bruge hjemmesiden for vores tjeneste, godkender du, at du har læst, forstået og accepterer at være bundet af vores vilkår og betingelser præsenteret på denne side.


Disse vilkår og betingelser gælder for køb af varer og tjenester fra PHERE.EU-onlinebutikken (i det følgende benævnt forbrugeren) og iværksætteren ATMOSPHERE DEVISER OÜ (herefter benævnt onlinebutikken

Juridisk information om Atmosphere Deviser OÜ: Pruuli, Lompka, Võrumaa, 65525, Estland.

Registreringsnummer: 16352617,

Momsnummer: EE102576513


telefon: +372 5206723

Phére showroom butiksadresse: Ankru 8, Tallinn


Ud over disse vilkår er de juridiske forhold, der opstår ved køb af produkter fra, underlagt lov om forpligtelser (herefter VÕS), forbrugerbeskyttelsesloven (i det følgende benævnt TKS) og andre gældende love i Republikken Estland .


Gyldigheden af ​​salgsaftalen, produkt og prisoplysninger


Disse vilkår og betingelser gælder ved køb af varer fra netbutikken. Priserne på de produkter, der sælges i netbutikken, er angivet ud for produkterne. Udover prisen tillægges et gebyr for levering af varerne. Alle priser for varer solgt i netbutikken er i euro. Alle priser anført på inkluderer en 22% moms. Leveringsgebyret afhænger af købers placering og den valgte leveringsmåde. Leveringsgebyret vises til køber ved afgivelse af en ordre. Oplysninger om produktet gives direkte ved siden af ​​produktet i netbutikken.


​Personer under atten år kan kun afgive bestillinger med samtykke fra forældre/værge.


De priser, vi opkræver for at bruge vores tjenester / for vores produkter, er angivet på hjemmesiden. Vi forbeholder os retten til at ændre vores priser for produkter, der vises til enhver tid, og til at rette prisfejl, der kan opstå utilsigtet.



For at bestille et produkt skal du tilføje de ønskede varer til indkøbskurven. For at fuldføre ordren skal du udfylde de påkrævede felter og vælge en passende metode til produktlevering. Skærmen vil derefter vise det beløb, der skal betales, som sikkert kan betales via følgende betalingsmetoder:

Estiske bankoverførsler: Swedbank, SEB, Luminor, LHV, Coop Pank, Citadele, Pocopay

Visa/Mastercard kortbetalinger

Baseret på den udstedte faktura Bemærk: Når du betaler med et banklink, skal du sørge for at klikke på knappen "Tilbage til forretningen" på bankens side.

Betalinger behandles af Maksekeskus AS. Betaling foregår uden for Netbutikken i et sikkert miljø – ved betaling med et banklink, i det sikre miljø i den respektive bank, og ved betaling med kreditkort i det sikre miljø hos Maksekeskus AS. Atmosphere Deviser OÜ er dataansvarlig for persondata; Atmosphere Deviser OÜ videregiver de nødvendige personoplysninger til betalingsbehandlingen til den autoriserede databehandler Maksekeskus AS. Sælger har ikke adgang til kundens bank- og kreditkortoplysninger. Aftalen træder i kraft ved modtagelse af det skyldige beløb på Netbutikkens bankkonto.

Ejeren af ​​Netbutikken er den ansvarlige dataansvarlige for personoplysninger og afgiver de nødvendige personoplysninger til betaling til den autoriserede databehandler Maksekeskus AS.

Såfremt det bestilte produkt ikke kan leveres på grund af varens ophør eller af anden grund, vil køber blive informeret hurtigst muligt, og det indbetalte beløb (inklusive omkostningerne ved levering af varen) refunderes omgående, dog ikke senere end 14 dage fra datoen for meddelelsen.

Vi kan uden forudgående varsel ændre tjenesterne; stoppe med at levere tjenesterne eller funktionerne i de tjenester, vi tilbyder; eller skabe grænser for tjenesterne. Vi kan permanent eller midlertidigt opsige eller suspendere adgangen til tjenesterne uden varsel og ansvar uanset årsag eller uden grund.



Varer sendes til følgende lande: På verdensplan, undtagen Rusland og Norge. Køber har følgende muligheder for at modtage varerne: DPD, Itella pakkeskabe, kurerservice og mulighed for personlig afhentning af varerne. Køber afholder forsendelsesomkostningerne, og de tilsvarende prisoplysninger vises ved siden af ​​forsendelsesmetoden.

Forsendelser inden for Estland når generelt den destination, som køberen har angivet, inden for 2-7 arbejdsdage fra salgsaftalens ikrafttræden. Uden for Estland sker levering indenfor 14 kalenderdage. I særlige tilfælde forlænges retten til at levere varerne til op til 45 kalenderdage.

Right of Withdrawal

After receiving the order, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded in the online store within 14 days. The right of withdrawal does not apply if the buyer is a legal entity. To exercise the 14-day right of withdrawal, the ordered product must not be used in a way other than necessary to ascertain its nature, properties, and functioning, as permitted for testing in a physical store. If the product has been used for purposes other than necessary to ascertain its nature, properties, and functioning, or if there are signs of use or wear, the Online Store has the right to reduce the refundable amount based on the decrease in the value of the product. To return the product, the buyer must submit a withdrawal statement for the purchase of the product and send it to the email address within 14 days of receiving the product. The buyer must return the product within 14 days of submitting the withdrawal statement or provide evidence that they have handed over the product to the carrier within the aforementioned period. Upon receiving the returned product, the Online Store will promptly, but no later than 14 days from the receipt of the withdrawal statement, refund all fees received from the buyer under the contract. The Online Store may refuse refunds until it has received the returned item or until the buyer has provided evidence that they have returned the item, depending on which occurs earlier. If the buyer has explicitly chosen a delivery method different from the cheapest regular delivery offered by the Online Store, the Online Store is not required to refund the cost exceeding the cost associated with the regular delivery method.

Right to Claim

The Online Store is responsible for non-compliance with the terms of the contract or defects in the goods sold to the buyer, which existed at the time of delivery and which become apparent within two years from the delivery of the goods. Within the first year from the delivery of the item, it is presumed that the defect existed at the time of delivery. Rebutting this presumption is the obligation of the Online Store. If a defect is discovered, the buyer has the right to contact the online store within two months by sending an email to or calling +3725206723. The Online Store is not responsible for defects that occur after the goods have been handed over to the buyer. If the goods purchased from the Online Store have defects for which the Online Store is responsible, the Online Store will repair or replace the defective goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the Online Store will refund all fees paid by the buyer under the sales agreement. The Online Store will respond to the consumer's complaint in writing or in a form that allows written reproduction within 15 days.

Right to Claim

The Online Store is responsible for non-compliance with the terms of the contract or defects in the goods sold to the buyer, which existed at the time of delivery and which become apparent within two years from the delivery of the goods. Within the first year from the delivery of the item, it is presumed that the defect existed at the time of delivery. Rebutting this presumption is the obligation of the Online Store. If a defect is discovered, the buyer has the right to contact the online store within two months by sending an email to or calling +3725206723. The Online Store is not responsible for defects that occur after the goods have been handed over to the buyer. If the goods purchased from the Online Store have defects for which the Online Store is responsible, the Online Store will repair or replace the defective goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the Online Store will refund all fees paid by the buyer under the sales agreement. The Online Store will respond to the consumer's complaint in writing or in a form that allows written reproduction within 15 days.

Direct Marketing and Processing of Personal Data

The Online Store uses the personal data entered by the buyer only for processing the order and sending the goods to the buyer. The Online Store forwards personal data to transport companies to deliver the goods. The Online Store sends newsletters and offers to the buyer's email address only if the buyer has expressed a desire to receive them by entering an email address on the website and has indicated a willingness to receive direct mail messages. The buyer can unsubscribe from receiving offers and newsletters at any time by notifying us by email or by following the instructions provided in the email containing the offers.

Dispute Resolution

If the buyer has complaints about the Online Store, they must send them to the email address or call +3725206723. If the buyer and the Online Store cannot resolve the dispute by agreement, the buyer has the option to turn to the Consumer Disputes Commission.

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